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Melodies & Meditation | How To Create The Perfect Sound Bath

Writer: Hannah BrabbsHannah Brabbs

Are you a sound healer in training? Or maybe you are a full-time practitioner! Either way, I know you are constantly trying to perfect your sound bath setup. From collecting a gorgeous soundscape of instruments to cultivating a cosy setting for your attendees - there is so much to think about!

It has honestly taken me years of trial and error, but today I want to share with you just a few secrets to getting your setup right.

Firstly, you need to be authentic to your heart.

Think about what sounds inspire you the most.

What instruments do you love listening to?

What textures, tones, and harmonies set your spirit soaring?

What is your intention behind the session: to relax, to calm, or to rejuvenate?

How would you like to feel during a sound bath session?

What would make you feel welcomed and comfortable?

Lean into this; this is the path you need to follow.

Opening the Space

To me, Koshi Chimes create the perfect gateway into the sound bath journey & experience. Their beautiful, high, sparkling sounds create an instantly calm atmosphere and a sense of magic in the air.

I see sounds in colours (now that’s a whole other story), but when I hear the delicate glittering notes of this instrument, I think of bluebells. I am taken into a sunshine-dappled woodland - it feels like an adventure is about to start. Expectant. A place where fairies might live.

Practically speaking, due to their soft sounds, Koshi Chimes are a great instrument to deliver your spoken meditation over too. They allow people to hear every word and to be gently eased into the louder instruments that will follow.

The Sound Journey

Once you have softly guided your class into a more relaxed space, it’s time to take them deep into their imaginations with a soundscape from your heart.

For this, I would use my Crystal Bowls. Just like the name suggests, their tone and feel are crystal clear. These bowls ring out into the room like a choir of angels - swelling, blossoming and blooming.

Take great care in choosing your Crystal Bowls. Less is more in my opinion. Because they are so powerful, you want them to sound harmonious together. There is a whole thought process that discordant sounds are great for releasing, which is very true - but it totally depends on the intention of your sound bath session.

It is always my intention to hold space for peace and calm. The world around us is already full of dissonance. When we finally reach our yoga mats and lie down, it is time for us to switch off. The release is in the relaxing, the melting, the drifting into calm and getting lost in your imagination.

My sound baths are a space for serenity - tuning up and tuning in after the busyness of the day.

Alongside my Crystal Bowls, I sing and tone with my voice.

I truly believe your voice is your most powerful sound healing instrument.

Closing the Space and Grounding

It is very important to allow enough time to gently bring your attendees back into their bodies after a long sound journey.

I recommend allowing for a few minutes of silence after the main body of your sound bath. I like to imagine the notes still glittering and vibrating in the room even though you can no longer hear them.

The energy is still very much there!

After this mindful moment of stillness, I would softly start to play a grounding instrument, such as the Ocean Drum. I honestly think this is everyone’s favourite part of the sound bath.

Be brave - move around the room! Allow your participants to really feel bathed in sound.

Once the waves start to subside, use your voice to guide people back into their bodies and to deepen their breath. These are their precious final moments of meditation - go slow.

Allow space.

Finally, always, always, always thank everyone for being there with you. Offer ideas on how they can keep this feel-good feeling flowing long after the session.

Making the Experience Magical

  • Flowers

  • Poetry

  • Oracle cards

  • Candles

  • Essential oils

  • Crystals

  • Make your own postcards to be taken away after the meditation—keep the good feeling flowing!

I really hope this has inspired you to make the most out of your next sound bath session. In the spirit of reciprocity, let me know how you make your sound baths that little bit more magical.

Hannah xxx



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